Wednesday, June 1, 2016

What is friendship?

In difficult times where you turn to friends for comfort and encouragement. Everyone need one another. No one is an island. Love and friendship are two commodities human beings depending on it. These two things are what people need most of the time. No? Think again.
We need love, we also need friendship and most of all, we all have that one friend to lean on from time to time during our down times. Of course it does not mean that we can do without our basic human need like food, & shelter. What i meant is, friendship is the lubricants that oils the rusty joints in life. To me, No friendship is an accident. We met each other for a reason. Whats the reason?  Find out yourself.

" Love is friendship that caught on fire. It is quiet, understanding,mutual confidence,sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and make allowance for human weaknesses."

I Thank this people for appearing in my life, all of them have seen my ups&downs and never left me:

Cindy Nah

 Samantha Kee

Chantel Chua

The "Ehwa" Girls

Last but not least,

 Thanks girls!
For staying by me all these while.<3

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Back to blogging

Hi all,

It's been so long since i've blogged. I believe most of you has already forgotten me, but here i'm starting all over again.

Just a brief summary of what i've been doing. Some of you might known, some of you might not. I've left my previous company (UK Cool Pte Ltd) - Dealing of car servicing & PIs.  Now i'm currently working in a company call (IC Cafe Pte Ltd). It basically doing events related but not entirely, it just doing seminars,getting speakers and publics to come and listen to the talks. And a platform for IT/ IC entrepreneurs who wants to start their own business, we are able to help them. But, i might want to change job as this job might not suits me ( don't wish to say much about this job ).

For those who knows me, whom is able to see my Instagram / Facebook might have notice i have been drinking quite a fare bit. I'm actually just drinking once-twice a week, depending on my working schedules and most of the times i ends my night quite early. Drinking might not be a good thing, but for me. It's for me to enjoy myself, chilling night-outs with my girlfriends, sing-song and have fun. ( I guess that's the only thing to do in Singapore at night ) But whenever the time hits 2am, my body starts to lose power,i will start to yawn and feeling very very tired. I guess age really catches up with me!

Alright, my break-time is over. I shall continue working.

Signing Off.